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Youth Specialties, Day -1 October 30, 2008

Posted by questcollegeministry in Quest, Youth Specialties.
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It’s been a busy day today, and it will be a long night. Andy and I are volunteering to help in the Soul Care department, which includes the Prayer Labyrinth and the Prayer Chapel. We’re really excited about it. However, we need to be there at 10:00 a.m. Pittsburgh time on Thursday morning. That’s a little bit of a problem, because the earliest flight we could take would get to the Pittsburgh airport, which is a long way from down town, a little after 9:00. We aren’t sure that we would be there in time, especially if there were any kind of weather delay. But Andy can’t leave until after Frontline tonight, which means we won’t be on our way until 9:30 or 10:00 tonight, at the earliest. And that means lots of late night driving.

This is going to be a great weekend. We’re really excited. We’re excited to help out. We’re excited to be going to the convention. We’re excited to spend time with God and each other as we plan for the next year. Keep us in prayer this weekend. Pray for safety while travelling. Pray for our wives and babies (newborn or unborn). And pray that God will meet with us and help us plan for next year.

You can follow what’s going on all weekend. I’ll be blogging about it here. Andy will be blogging about it here. You can read the Frontline or Quest twitters, and you can follow the live blogs from the General Sessions at www.nywc.com/live.

Have a great weekend.